Come and join in the fun
Welcome to Stourbug - the friendly leisure cycling club
We are always happy for new members to join us - everybody is welcome.
Whether you’re new to cycling, returning from a break, or just want to meet some new friendly cycling buddies then please get in touch!
We are based in Stourbridge and we like riding our bikes - that’s where our club name came from - Stourbridge Bicycle User Group - hence Stourbug!
Stourbug is all about getting out on your bike, making new friends and discovering new cycle routes, often including a nice refreshment stop.
“This looks like a nice place to stop”
We have on-road and off-road rides, and we cycle throughout the year, weather permitting. We have regular rides going out most days of the week, also some evening rides and plenty of special events including Sportive, Audax, and even some camping trip tours. All ages and abilities are encouraged and E-bikes are welcome too.
We usually cycle as small groups, with our volunteer Ride Leaders having chosen a route. We try to use quieter lanes and we always stick together and help each other so if you get any mechanical issues there’s no need to panic - no one gets left behind.
Why not come along and try us out for free? You can join us for up to 3 rides as a guest and have access to our members online forum to see if Stourbug is for you.
Ready to take the next step?
Are you ready to start your cycling adventures? Get in touch.