Events? yes please…
We are a social lot in Stourbug and if we can think of a good reason to get together we’ll probably do it.
If you fancy joining in future events then just join the club and get involved with the fun and you’ll be welcome along!
Anyone in the club can propose an idea for an event and here’s some of the past things we got up to…
Ride Leaders Evening, Jan 2025 – we encourage any member who wants to become a Ride Leader and they’re the ones organising the rides for all members to enjoy. So once a year we have an evening especially to celebrate their efforts and give out a few prizes. It’s a bit like the Oscars, only on a tighter budget i.e. we had ham and cheese cobs at our event, but notwithstanding the tight purse strings the tension was just as keenly felt during our awards ceremony at Stourbridge Tennis Club as anything you’ll see in Hollywood!
Becoming a Ride Leader is a simple case of holding your hand up, so to speak, and saying “yes, I’ll have a go!” We’ll make sure you’re well supported with guidance and shadowing and we can help with choosing routes and venues to get you started. Go for it!
Skittles Evening - someone in the club suggested “why don’t we have an evening throwing round wooden shapes, at fairly high speed, down an alley and see how many skittles we can knock down?”
This idea proved to be a winner and in December 2024 a great night was had by all. It topped off a nice year for the club and providing a fish & chip supper was the icing on the cake. Given it’s popularity (and the fact no one was injured by the fast moving wooden shapes) it’s a fair certainty that this one will be repeated for 2025.
Sausage Sizzle - we’ve checked what this term means using AI technology and it refers to “a social event where sausages are cooked”. Well, that’s reassuring because it’s precisely what we did In October 2024 although to be honest we also cooked baked potatoes & roasted our chestnuts, and there was a vegetarian option of course.
It was a daytime event held at Kinver Scout Camp and many thanks go to our Ride Leaders for putting on plenty of rides to the venue - the roaring fire was very welcome after a chilly cycle!
Audax 2024 - many Stourbug members enjoy riding ‘Audax’ events at locations away from their regular routes. An Audax is a cycle ride sometimes involving in excess of 100 riders that has to be completed within a set time with the emphasis on endurance and personal achievement. It is not a race and participants are not competing against each other. In 2024 members took part in a number of Audax events, including the ‘Snowdrop’ event in February (121km, 75 miles) the ‘Warwickshire Wanderer’ in May (100km, 63 miles). And the Kidderminster Killer in June (212 km, 131 miles). Karl, one of our members simply said of the Warwickshire Wanderer: “What a great day”