Curious to know more? Here’s a list of FAQs
If your query isn’t covered here please get in touch and we’ll get back to you.
Can anyone join?
Yes, all are welcome - we have rides to suit all abilities. Under 18’s are welcome too provided that they ride with their parent or guardian who is also a member.
What if I haven’t been on a bike for years, is it worth me contacting you?
Yes, please make contact - part of the reason Stourbug was formed back in 2007 was to encourage people to start cycling. Many of our most active current members started out as complete non-cyclists, but through a little encouragement from other club members they have grown to love cycling and the camaraderie that comes with it. If you’re not sure just come along to one of our regular club nights and have a chat with us - you’d be very welcome!
How much is it to join?
It’s £10 a year for adults; £2 for under 18’s - if you decide to join us we do require that you hold third party insurance, but we’ll let you know the details. Remember you can try us out for free and join us for 3 rides to see if Stourbug is for you, just click here
Do I have to pay to join in a ride?
No, certainly not. Our volunteer ride leaders suggest rides and any member or guest is free to join the ride - there is no charge. The annual membership fee of £10 for adults is there just to cover the club’s basic running costs like website hosting and it helps towards our social events.
Can I come on a ride before I join the club, just to see if I like the setup?
Yes, of course, and it’s completely free. You’d be welcome to join us for up to 3 rides, over a 6 week period, and it won’t cost you anything. Just make contact by clicking here and we’ll do the rest. There’s no obligation to join the club even after the 3 rides, but of course we hope you will!
What sort of bike do I need?
You can use any bike provided that it’s roadworthy.
Can I use my electric bike?
Yes, we have several members who ride using their electric bikes. All we ask is that it’s legal for use in the UK - to check this just click here
What should I bring with me on a club ride?
We’d certainly suggest you bring water, a spare inner tube, basic tools and a pump, and maybe a snack.
What clothing should I wear on a ride?
Suitable clothing for the conditions - that means warmer clothing in winter, cooler clothing in summer, and waterproof if there’s a chance of rain. Being seen by other road users is of course vital so bright and florescent colours are ideal.
Do you have an official club ‘kit’?
Yes, we do have a good choice of Stourbug ‘kit’ and you can buy this if you want to. It’s nice to see our riders proudly sporting the Stourbug colours but it’s certainly not obligatory to wear on our rides so the choice is yours.
Do I have to wear a cycling helmet?
We’d certainly recommend you wear a helmet for safety and there are Stourbug members who can personally testify to their helmet’s life-saving qualities, but wearing one on our rides is not mandatory. However, some of our Ride Leaders will require that a helmet is worn when being part of their ride - if you’re in any doubt you can always check with the Ride Leader before the ride.
Does my bike need to have lights?
Most of the rides we do are during daytime so strictly speaking you don’t need lights for these, however many of our members choose to cycle with lights even during the daylight so that they are easily seen by other road users. We also do regular night time rides, usually starting early evening, so lights are certainly required for these. Modern bike lights are usually rechargeable and aren’t too expensive and we’re here to help if you need any advice on which lights to buy.
Where do the rides start from?
We generally start from locations around Stourbridge e.g. Mary Stevens Park or by Wollaston Bus Stop, or at the end of Bromwich Lane, Hagley but often we pick up riders on route further out too.
What sort of pace is a typical ride, and over what distance?
We’ve got a nice mixture of rides within the club run by our Ride Leaders. All the details of a ride are posted on our members’ forum so you can see what’s planned over the next few weeks and choose a ride that suits you, or perhaps challenges you a bit! You’ll see rides that are at a slower pace, say averaging 8 to 10mph, right through to faster rides that could be up to 16mph. Distances can vary from a short local loop of maybe 15 miles right through to a 70 mile ride. And of course that’s not mentioning special events like Coast to Coast, or Lands End to John O’Groats if you really want a challenge!
Does the club ride on regular days, and where do the rides tend to head for?
Unlike many cycling clubs Stourbug does not have a ‘regular club ride’ i.e. starting at the same time and place, instead we have a team of Ride Leaders who organise rides that they think will be popular or challenging. Sometimes we use familiar routes, sometimes we’ll do a bit more exploring.
Rides take place on most days of the week, and as a member or guest you’ll have access to our forum where you can see everything that’s planned including times, meeting points and who’s on the ride so you can sign up to rides that take your fancy.
There’s bound to be a ride that works for you, and just to whet your appetite here’s a summary and quick insight into a typical week in Stourbug world…